Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Energy and Consumption

Does it sound like a physics class?

As I approach 16 weeks, I look and feel pregnant. Amazing. I even had someone say to me that the baby was going to pop any day, and when I said November, they almost fell over (okay, it was a man). I swear half of it is just my "baby weight" that has moved from my sides back to my front, where it was gained and cushioned little Emerson so well.

Energy is returning. Perfect timing as we round the corner to the big weekend of the BioBlitz this weekend. Here's a funny one - I mapped out where all the exhibitors would be. I put someone in charge of getting the tents set up. He and I walked it today, as he questioned some of my placements. When we rounded the corner of the building for the last tent, he says, "And you wanted one here?" I looked and there was a huge propane tank. I swear it wasn't there a month ago when I mapped this. I must have really had a pregnant moment when I walked the same path three times to ensure where we'd place the tents. C'est la vie.

Eating for two doesn't mean eating more, just better. I'm trying. I'm hungry on regular intervals, and I do my best to have a healthy snack. The ice cream is still amazingly desirable. I'm trying to keep my consumption to fruits, vegetables, small portions of meat, nuts, and milk (I hate milk, but seem to crave it while pregnant - just with a little chocolate). All this in an effort to build healthy skin, bones, and eyelids.

Sixteen weeks on Thursday. Let's keep the energy up, at least through the weekend, then time for some big rests!

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